Network Parasites (Hertzian Field #4)

augmented reality lecture performance


Network Parasites (Hertzian Field #4) is an augmented reality lecture performance on ‘parasitic sensing’: past, future, and present.

Our hyper-connected lifestyle has flooded our spaces with oceans of radio waves and microwaves. While invisible, these waves are as real as the air we breathe. And while we lack the capacity to feel them, they can sense us because they interact with the water in our bodies. Our wireless infrastructures come with an unpublicized glitch: beyond our data, they also broadcast information about physical space and our bodies within it.

Flowing between a lecture and a sound/movement performance that makes the invisible interaction between the human body and WiFi waves audible, this work explores how advertisers, the surveillance industry, law enforcement, Big Tech, and other dubious actors are beginning to reimagine our wireless networks as human radar.

The performance is based on sensing technology developed by the artist using WiFi Channel State Information.


Year: 2024
Type: Solo lecture performance
Description: Augmented reality lecture performance
Dimensions: 5 m x 5 m (approximate)
Duration: 45′
Capacity: Variable
Materials/Media: WiFi router, Internet-of-Things espresso machine, computer, software, stands, loudspeakers, sound, projector
Software: SuperCollider, Python, C, ESP-IDF, Keynote