Leonardo Music Journal, MIT Press, issue 19, December 2009
This paper presents a new non-standard technique for waveform synthesis in the time domain using Lindenmayer system (L-systems), a formalism related to grammars, fractals and automata. This technique, developed as part of a larger-scale compositional system, is based on waveform segmentation and offers various methods for generating wavetables. The paper first introduces L-systems and some specifics of their interpretation and discusses extensions such as incorporating genetic algorithms and designing hierarchical L-systems and L-system networks. The second half describes the implementation model in detail, proposes some sound synthesis strategies and presents paths for further work.
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Visit the pages below to listen to Musical L-Systems works:

Undercover Harpsichord Agents Terrorize the Court
An electroacoustic fixed medium piece created by processing harpsichord recordings using a complex hierarchical network of Lindenmayer Systems and Genetic Algorithms.

Do Digital Monkeys Inhabit Virtual Trees?
An electroacoustic fixed medium piece entirely synthesized using a complex hierarchical network of Lindenmayer Systems and Genetic Algorithms. Awarded at Gaudeamus 2007.
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